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1:特活:2022/04/09(土) 20:29 ID:WRQ

let゙s speak english.



2:mao/◆96 わかるわかる〜:2022/04/09(土) 20:35 ID:A.2

Hello.My name is mao.
I'm glad I can get along.

これ合ってますかね( ̄▽ ̄;)英語は習ってますが、、。一応。

3:mao/◆96 (笑):2022/04/09(土) 20:49 ID:A.2

oh sorry.I made a mistake.


4:特活:2022/04/09(土) 20:58 ID:WRQ

i like curry.and today゙s dinner is curry.and you?

5:特活:2022/04/09(土) 21:01 ID:WRQ



let`s speak with selfresponsibility.

6:Frisk:2022/04/09(土) 21:31 ID:WXc

hello. I’m frisk.
thank you.

7:Frisk:2022/04/09(土) 21:31 ID:WXc


8:Frisk:2022/04/09(土) 21:32 ID:WXc

god night.

9:mao/◆96 あちゃ〜:2022/04/10(日) 10:55 ID:A.2

I am Mao.

10:特活:2022/04/10(日) 12:13 ID:WRQ

hello.mao.what is your hobby?.

11:mao/◆96:2022/04/10(日) 14:10 ID:A.2


My hobby is singing songs.
What is your hobby?

12:特活:2022/04/10(日) 14:18 ID:WRQ

thank you.mao.my hobby is message board!.and tea time.

i am tokukatu.

my english is life level.and you?.mao.

13:mao/◆96:2022/04/10(日) 14:34 ID:A.2

I can speak liittle English.

Your hobby is good!

Your hobby is the same as my other hobby.

I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

14:特活:2022/04/10(日) 15:30 ID:WRQ


thank you,where are you from?,i am from japan.i like itarian pasta.i like dice decideing ruck game.

including a part of tarrot arcana.

today`s my arcana is hero arcana.

good ruck you.i like japan politics.

i wait your responce.

15:Frisk (ノ ゜Д゜)ノdice4:2022/04/10(日) 17:18 ID:WXc


16:mao/◆96 うふふ:2022/04/10(日) 17:40 ID:A.2

I am from Japan.
I like Curry and rice.
And, what is "My Arcana today is a Hero Arcana"? I'm not sure.

I don't know about politics.

So I don't know if I like it.sorry.
And thank you for waiting for my response.
So I will wait for your response too.
English is difficult for me. I will do my best to be good at someday.
See you again!

17:mao/◆96 ふーん:2022/04/10(日) 17:41 ID:A.2

What is your hobby?

18:特活:2022/04/10(日) 18:37 ID:WRQ


arcana hero is perhaps be resemble hero and near future winning arcana. i like curry and rice too.

i think japan`s politics don't be filled charity ism.what do you think this fact?,and you,

19:Frisk:2022/04/11(月) 20:02 ID:WXc

I’m frisk.
I live in Kumamoto.
My favorite game is Undertale.

20:mao/◆96 (;`・ω・)つdice3:2022/04/11(月) 20:20 ID:A.2

OK.Thank you for teaching me!

Curry rice is delicious, isn't it!

I'm sorry.I don't know about Charity ism.
So I can't answer,sorry.

21:mao/◆96 ホィ(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ⌒dice6:2022/04/11(月) 20:31 ID:A.2


I live in hyougo.
Where do you live?tokukatu.

22:Frisk:2022/04/11(月) 20:34 ID:WXc

I like game and kamen rider.
What subject do you like mao?

23:mao/◆96 (;`・ω・)つdice3:2022/04/11(月) 20:43 ID:A.2

I like game too!

I like math!

What subject do you like?Frisk.

24:Frisk (ノ ゜Д゜)ノdice4:2022/04/11(月) 20:59 ID:WXc

I like math too!

25:Frisk:2022/04/18(月) 20:59 ID:WXc

mao where are you?

26:Frisk:2022/04/18(月) 20:59 ID:WXc

to raise.

27:藤田くん◆//s:2022/04/22(金) 09:44 ID:xVA

Chatting with English is interesting.
I want to talk with you guys!

28:草。:2022/04/22(金) 09:51 ID:OkA

is that so! Let's talk in English together! !! French is i (ry

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