Language room

葉っぱ天国 > 勉強 > スレ一覧キーワード▼下へ
1:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/01(木) 21:54

Hi I'm lemon.
This board is a room for chatting, typing, and so on.
Pls don't hesitate join us!
The more you have opportunity learning languages, the more you'll find out fun!
Why don't you join us?

>>2 rules

2:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/01(木) 21:59

"Must not"
Using violence words
Trying to hurt someone

"Please don not"
Typing meaningless words or sentences.

"You may"
Using Japanese

If you have questions, please feel free and ask me.
Thank you.

3:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/01(木) 22:01

I was so in love with you
more than I have ever thought
Ever since that time I cannot
I cannot breath the way I want
We were side by side yeah all this time
Those days seem unreal by now
I cannot forget at all those days
That's the only sure thing I had

4:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/01(木) 22:03

This lyrics is lemon lol

5:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/02(金) 16:06

6:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/09(金) 09:20

So cute!

7:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/09(金) 10:07

Quiz No.1
Which is the most suitable word to be filled the blank.
(A) He wished me success
(B) "( ) you succeed!" he said to me.

8:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/09(金) 10:34

Quiz No.2
Which is the most suitable word to be filled the blank.
We (  ) call him "Sir".
@don't need
Anot need
Bneed not to

9:匿名:2019/08/09(金) 15:02


10:lemon◆MxXxfM:2019/08/19(月) 23:55


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