Let's talking!!

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1:Julia:2012/06/22(金) 19:00

Please tell me!!
You can speak "Katakana-English"!!

3:シオリ ◆hN7g:2012/06/23(土) 08:50


4:Julia:2012/06/23(土) 18:19

Hello,Unya and Shiori^^
How are you doing?

Katakana−English is in Japan we say "カタカナ読みの英語”^^
Shiori's comment is it.

Thank you for telling me^^

5:うにゃ ◆4AUw:2012/06/24(日) 23:59

Oh, I see!
Fantastic, but it's hard to read...haha~

6:Julia:2012/06/26(火) 17:58

I think so,too. Ha-ha-ha^^

What sport do you like?

7:うにゃ ◆4AUw:2012/06/26(火) 19:30

Oh! I love playing sports, but it's just because my school's girls can't play it at all...
So that I can keep winning!! Haha, I know I'm evil

Well, mostly...I like running, jump rope, basketball, volley ball, badminton...
And I hate swimming!!>.<

8:Julia:2012/06/27(水) 18:07

Oh,really!? Gread!!
I like dancing^^
How about you?

9:うにゃ ◆4AUw:2012/06/29(金) 00:03

Haha, spelling mistake!

Oh, I love dancing!! But I'm not really good at it...
I danced in front of parents at culture fair, hehe~

10:Julia:2012/06/29(金) 19:15


Oh,really? Cool!!

Well,do you have pets?

11:うにゃ ◆4AUw:2012/06/30(土) 01:18


Oh, yes I do.
I got a hedgehog. Her name is "Roll". My gosh, she is so cute!!...but too mean...


12:Julia:2012/06/30(土) 19:59


I don't have a pet.
I want have many pets!!!

Well, how old are you?
And do you like animations?

See you!!^^

13:うにゃ ◆4AUw:2012/06/30(土) 20:56


Oh, really?
I wish I got a dog, though.

I'm 15, 16 this year. I just graduated American International Middle School!
Oh my gosh, I LOVE animations!!!

14:Julia:2012/07/01(日) 01:03

Oh,you know Middle Scool…? Oh!!
Do you know "Pikifriends"?
I know Middle School!!
Because I went to this school this year.

I am 15 years old^^

15:うにゃ ◆4AUw:2012/07/01(日) 14:54

What do you mean do I know Middle School...?
Hmm...I don't think I know that...
Haha, grammar mistakes!
Well, I think you're not in exact same school as mine

16:Julia:2012/07/03(火) 21:23

Oh,I went to this school this year.
I had long trip^^
I have American student friends^^
Do you have American student friends?
Sorry,I cannot speak English well....^^;
See you〜☆

17:うにゃ ◆4AUw:2012/07/04(水) 10:49

Oh, now I see!
Because I live in HongKong, and when I said AIS, which means the school in HongKong
Sorry, I think I confused you...
And no, I don't have any...but instead, I have New York's friend!!
Don't worry, my grammar sucks too, so...

18:Julia:2012/07/05(木) 19:08

Thank you for your message^^
Well, do you like animations?

19:黒ノ美蚊 クロノみか RT乞食 勘違い女 hoge:2013/09/24(火) 14:22

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@tokinekiru 時音キル メンヘラ リムった人間のID晒し 炎上 無反省 自己中
@tokinekiru 迷惑 害悪 悪声 基地外 顔面凶器 嫌われ者 厄介者

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