Let's speak English! (英語で話そう!)

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1:Blue(初心者):2013/11/01(金) 17:09

I'm blue.
This thread is speak English!
Are you ready?

Let's Start!



4:まどか:2013/12/06(金) 16:59


Hello everyone.
I'm Madoka.
I go to elementary school.
I can't speak English well, as I study English hard everyday.
My dream is to speak English fluently and to talk foreign people.
See you.

5:もりこん:2013/12/21(土) 19:30


Hello everyone.
I'm Morikon.
I'm a seventh grader.
I like English, but I can't speak it well.
I have never gone out of Japan, so I'd like to go to foreign countries.

My dream is to be a cartoonist.
Because I respect them who draw the comic.
I'd like to draw Shojo manga and to contribute it "Ribon".
So I practice to draw pictures.

Thank you.

6:Ivy:2013/12/30(月) 21:52

Good evening, How are you?

My name is Ivy.

May I join you?

7:NEmikey249恵美 emimasitah@gmail.com:2014/06/15(日) 02:59

Hello everybody!My name is Emi Masitah Bt. Mohd Fadzil Arsady.
You can call me Emi,I'm 12 years old nice to meet you!
I'm not good at english too.Because my main language is Malay.
On every school holidays、I will back to Japan.But this year I'm too busy because of
studying to enter the junior highschool.I can share my stories with you guys!
see ya!恵美で〜す!

8:桜子:2014/06/15(日) 13:33

My name is Sakurako.
English is not proud, but wants to talk with all of you a lot!
The future dream is to go to College of Music!
I am honored to be able to meet you.

9:恵美 emimasitah@gmail.com:2014/06/16(月) 23:38

Sure!you can join us mr/ms Ivy.Right everyone?

10:ネコミミ@オニマス:2014/07/20(日) 01:28

Whats up guys.
Long time haven't been in this thread, seems like I do not recognize everyone in here.
Is it that we are talking about our future dreams?
Mine is actually to become a pharmacist.
But all my family consider it as too hard, so I am not sure.
Anyways I need to deal with SAT first...!
Feel so miserable...

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