Provisional Logistics

葉っぱ天国 > 独り言・奇声 > スレ一覧
194:RE:2021/01/30(土) 00:32

Google is a god. By the way, why did you translate the sensual novel? I'm curious. And I am very much looking forward to the new continuation.

匿名:2021/01/30(土) 08:25 [返信]

>>194 Sorry for the late reply. I just got up. And the reason is the same as you. I was curious about it. I wanted to know how weird sentences would transform after going through Google Translate. As for the continuation of the novel, I retired because there was no compensation for my efforts. Until a few months ago, I was somehow motivated to do the silly work of translating the sensual novel, but at this point it's none. Another reason is that my document input environment is not very good. But if someone like you might give me an impression, it's possible to continue. I'm extremely lazy, so don't expect too much.

匿名:2021/01/30(土) 08:47 [返信]

>>194 And let me ask you an important question. Is the "novel" from >>15 to >>20 or from >>83 to >>85 or both? If both, which one do you want to read first?

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