
葉っぱ天国 > 勉強 > スレ一覧キーワード▼下へ
1:RADWIMPS◆XOhXo.k:2017/01/10(火) 03:41

I stop this thread if I get tired.

2:RADWIMPS◆XOhXo.k:2017/01/10(火) 03:58

I mutter in English
Even if grammar and meaning are wrong, please don't mind

Probably, I use simple English only

3:RADWIMPS◆XOhXo.k:2017/01/11(水) 19:44

Let me know what I should (´,,・ω・,,`)

4:RADWIMPS◆XOhXo.k:2017/01/18(水) 08:08

You think that really?
It's height of hubris

5:RADWIMPS◆XOhXo.k:2017/01/18(水) 08:21

I often see Japanese that use English in game chat but they always can't use difficult phrases
Well... I also that
But their ability is elementary students level
For instance "when","what",
And,spell miss

6:RADWIMPS◆XOhXo.k:2017/01/18(水) 08:36

BTW,his and hers words are crazy..
You should apologize properly so you were misunderstood

7:RADWIMPS◆XOhXo.k:2017/01/18(水) 08:49

What makes you so proud of yourself?

8:Anonymous:2017/01/21(土) 11:23

>>1-7 …で、何が言いたいの?偽 RADWIMPS さん!

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