詩会2020初夏 〜 No border 〜

葉っぱ天国 > ポエム > スレ一覧
2:騎咲ケイト:2020/05/13(水) 18:56

「Devils be ambitious」

Let's open the door
There is no turning back
Make use of the darkness hidden in your heart
I was a brilliant fallen angel
I was trying to enjoy this world
But once I realized something my hopes died down
And it doesn't matter at all
That's why I decided−

I break this world.

Now wake up, the devil in me!
Burn that sun
Tear the sky
Defeat justice
Dye this world into a jet black color
Grab that paradise
Throw away all the appropriate emotions!

I can't withdraw now this way
I'll tear up the rubbish government flag
If you think such an act is miserable ridicule it
I'll crush it later
About you
All of your existence

Do not stop
Do not run away
Hit it
Shoot it

Devils be ambitious!

" Now,what's the next thug? "

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