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葉っぱ天国 > 独り言・奇声 > スレ一覧
150:匿名:2020/12/29(火) 01:15

Touhou 17 Extra Stage Theme: The Shining Law of the Strong Eating the Weak
Sound like a really generic stage theme I guess? Nothing really special. This intro sounds similar to 'Now, Until the Moment You Die' because the first 2bars use the exact same pattern as it but the chord progressions used for both songs are different anyway. The intro sounds very generic probably because the intro is just repeating commonly used Touhou patterns everywhere and mainly revolving around the tonic chord which doesn't make it very interesting. By the way, this part uses the 'Upper Harmony' technique discussed in the previous video where ZUN adds harmonies (mainly thirds) above the previous "melody". Melody is very syncopated here and chord progression used is i > VII > VI > VII > #vii. Quite a descent amount of grace notes added here. For this part, it seems that the 'Upper Melody' technique is used where new harmonies are added above the previous melody. Now the new harmonies behave like the melody now. Great for increasing the song's energy. Also, ZUN went crazy on the embellishment of the melody here. For this melody section, it uses the chord progression of VI > VII > V > i. Nothing really special about the melody but I believe that this song has one of the craziest melody embellishment which really spice things up. I guess the only redeeming factor of this song is its melody embellishment yeah. Also, isn't this bass pattern commonly used throughout Touhou music too? Okay, I have skipped to the last melody section. It uses the chord progression of VI > VII > i VI > VII > #vii dim > i. I have nothing else to say so just enjoy the song.

匿名:2020/12/29(火) 01:22 [返信]

>>150 I apologize for first unnecessary line breaks.

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