Provisional Logistics 2

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1:匿名:2021/07/13(火) 00:08


2:匿名:2021/07/13(火) 00:11

I wonder how much more irritation they will be able to bear next time.

3:匿名:2021/07/13(火) 02:24

At this point I'm not sure what made them mad or what made them decide that my thread was inappropriate, so I'm going to sit on it for a while. It could be a simple human error on their part, after all.

4:匿名:2021/07/13(火) 10:03

Unfortunately, Celeste's commentator in the Japanese Restream of SGDQ 2021 was not the one I like. It's not that I hate anyone but him, but I can't help but feel that he has some special qualities or something.

5:匿名:2021/07/15(木) 03:28

Basically, I like my AirPods 2. I understand that they are not the best cost effective earbuds on the market today, but for me having several Apple devices and ears that fit EarPods it seemed like a good choice.

6:匿名:2021/07/16(金) 02:40

Actually my cock is just relaxing right now.

7:匿名:2021/07/16(金) 02:43

And, yes, I've just had a bowel movement. Now that I think about it, it seems that despite containing a lot of cruelty, Attack on Titan didn't have many obscenities, including scatology.

8:匿名:2021/07/23(金) 06:05

One of ZUN’s Melody and Countermelody Relationships

Zun seems to like using melody 1 as the counter melody for melody 2 or vice versa. Here are three examples.
Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream Melody 1
Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream Melody 1 + Melody 2
Crazy Backup Dancer Melody 2
Some may regard this as a verse instead of a melody but I will just label it as melody for convenience sake.
Crazy Backup Dancer Melody 2 (Different key) + Melody 3
Thunderclouds of Magical Power Melody 1
Thunderclouds of Magical Power Melody 3 (Different key from Melody 1)
Thunderclouds of Magical Power Melody 1 (Lowest pitch) + Melody 2 (Middle pitch) + Melody 3 (Highest pitch)
Thunderclouds of Magical Power Melody 3 + Melody 4

So how did ZUN manage to harmonise the 2 melodies together without having them sound ‘dissonant’ or ’clashing’?
I have 4 theories.
1) Melodies at different pitches
2) Controlling dynamics
3) Syncopation
4) Same chord progression

1) Melodies at different pitches
I raised Melody 1 of DDC extra stage theme by 1 octave on every repeat. The one with closer pitch to the other 2 melodies (raised 2 octaves) sounds more dissonant, doesn’t it?

2) Controlling dynamics
I increased the dynamics of Melody 4 of DDC extra stage theme on the next repeat. The one where Melody 4’s dynamic is increased sounds not as dissonant, doesn’t it? By the way, it’s the major second which I feel is causing the dissonance (F# and G#)

3) Syncopation
What is Syncopation? Go google it yourself lol. Anyway, the noteheads marked X are notes of the main melody that do not fall in together with the counter melody. More than 50% of the main melody notes do not fall with the counter melody notes, creating lesser chances for dissonances. HM Magus Night is not arranged by ZUN, I just want to give an example to prove my point.

4) Same chord progression
If both melody and counter melody shares the same chord progression, then the chances of them harmonising together increase. Melody 1 and 2 share almost the same chord progression except for only 1 bar. When composing a song, the melody notes are usually derived from the base chords. Hence, with the same chord progression, chances of 2 melodies harmonising together increase. Credits to Kijiriki and Artist のくの as I used their Sakura, Sakura sheet. Some useful information…

The Types of Intervals

Perfect Consonances
Perfect Unison (P1, PP)
Perfect Fourth (P4)
Perfect Fifth (P5)
Perfect Octave (P8)

Imperfect Consonances
Minor Third (m3)
Major Third (M3)
Minor Sixth (m6)
Major Sixth (M6)

Diatonic Dissonances
Minor Second (m2)
Major Second (M2)
Minor Seventh (m7)
Major Seventh (M7)
Tritone (A4, +4, d5, °5, T, TT)

Chromatic Dissonances
Augmented Second (A2, +2)
Any Other Augmented or Diminished Interval

A list of songs I can think of that used that compositional technique.

Border of Life (Final)
Chinese Tea
HM Magus Night
Crazy Backup Dancer
Thunderclouds of Magical Power
Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream
Future Universe of Wheelchair
Swim in a Cherry Blossom-Coloured Sea
Into the Backdoor
The Yorimashi Sits Between Dream and Reality ~ Necro-Fantasia
Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
Voyage 1970 is literally the counter melody of Voyage 1969

Also, kudos to these 2 Japanese pianists as they manage to play both melody and counter melody with only their right hand which is bloody hard to do so.
Jam (ジャム) and Jumpny2010
Jam (ジャム) …
Jumpny2010 …

9:匿名:2021/07/26(月) 22:32

Wow, that's only 3,4% less! This is a benefit from the M1, isn't it?

10:匿名:2021/07/27(火) 04:34

I don't have a lot to say about MIMK-078, but one thing I can say is that for the first time in a long time, a real person has been the deciding factor in putting an end to my fapping, even if she is partially hiding her face. I would like to pay tribute to the original author, Etuzan Jakusui, the lead actress, Yuria Yoshine, and the production staff.

11:匿名:2021/07/27(火) 04:35

Yeah, it's damn hot.

12:匿名:2021/07/28(水) 19:42

I want to wipe out from this world the idea that roles shape the personality of each individual.

13:匿名:2021/08/03(火) 23:35

The first headphones I bought were M40X, which were essentially chosen as a compromise to the M50X. The choice was 100% determined by information on the internet, and it would be no exaggeration to say that I despised the importance of my own senses. I needed it mainly for listening to the original music of the Touhou Project. That requirement led me via Google to Yahoo! Chiebukuro (it's like Japanese ver. Reddit), where I first heard of the M50X. At the time it cost about $200, and the existence of the M40X at half that price immediately attracted me. Being a very lazy and stingy person, I didn't bother to look into other alternatives and it became my first choice, which resulted in my purchase. I like my M40X, but now that the price of the M50X has dropped to around $150, if I had to choose now, I would buy it.

14:匿名:2021/08/05(木) 02:01

Approximately 27% less expensive! Quite fascinating option :)

15:匿名:2021/08/05(木) 22:51

I feel that the relationship between the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini is similar to that of the iPad 8 and iPad mini 5 in some ways. It is the regular model of each that is more cost effective, but each mini has the advantage of portability. Well, to be honest, I would recommend the regular model to most people, but for people like me with small hands and waning muscle strength, or for those who simply re-emphasize portability, the mini is a good option. I'm sure you're tired of hearing about this lol

16:匿名:2021/08/09(月) 05:07

What could be more painful than not being able to ask for help when someone is right in front of you?

17:匿名:2021/08/09(月) 07:59

I tend to pick at my ears even when there is no wax buildup. I tend to do this after showering, so I assume the purpose is drainage, but in any case, the fact is that I am contributing to the itchiness of my ear canal more than anything else. I want to stop, but it's become a habit.

18:Pop Pendulum:2021/08/10(火) 00:56

It feels good to sniff vigorously, like a doppleganger.

19:Pop Pendulum:2021/08/10(火) 01:04

>>18 Sorry guys, a doppelgänger is correct.

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