Provisional Logistics 2

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1F“½–¼F2021/07/13(‰Î) 00:08


308F“½–¼F2023/06/26(ŒŽ) 13:08

Some respondents confuse display resolution with accuracy, but just because it can be set in units of 0.5‹C does not mean that temperature sensors with accuracy within }0.5‹C are used.

It is not possible to control the temperature to a constant level by using a high-precision sensor, because the air speed is not always constant like in the thermostatic baths. A small air velocity means that the temperature does not become uniform, but this is the same as heating or cooling something with a large heat capacity, so there is a large time delay and overshoot (excessive temperature control) will occur if the system is not controlled very well.

As can be seen by measuring the temperature in an air-conditioned room with a temperature sensor with a fast response speed, the temperature is constantly changing by about }2‹C around the set temperature. However, the time-averaged temperature is fairly stable, so we can assume that that temperature is the set temperature.

Therefore, the fact that the set temperature can be changed in 0.5‹C increments means that the average temperature can be changed in 0.5‹C increments; 1‹C increments are too rough for the human senses, so it is just a matter of being able to set more finely. It is not technically difficult to fine-tune the setting values.

However, the accuracy of the temperature sensor itself is not as high as the set resolution, so the set temperature itself deviates from the actual temperature. However, if changes over time are ignored, the deviation is always constant, so the set temperature (average temperature) is reproducible. The set temperature is changed by human senses, so there is no problem if it is reproducible.

309F“½–¼F2023/07/01(“y) 23:14

Values are not inherently arbitrary. They are deeply rooted in individuals and societies and are shaped by a variety of factors, including culture, upbringing, personal experiences, and philosophical or religious beliefs. Values provide a framework for individuals to evaluate and prioritize what they consider important, desirable, or morally right.

While values are subjective and can vary among individuals and cultures, they are not completely arbitrary. They often emerge from a combination of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. For example, certain values like compassion, honesty, and fairness can be found across different cultures and have evolved as a result of human social interactions and cooperation.

However, it is worth noting that the interpretation and application of values can vary significantly. Different people and cultures may prioritize and interpret values in different ways, leading to differences in ethical frameworks and moral judgments. This subjectivity can sometimes lead to conflicts or disagreements when values clash.

Additionally, values can evolve and change over time. As societies progress, new information emerges, and perspectives shift, values can be reevaluated and revised. This process reflects the ongoing development and refinement of societal values.

In conclusion, while values are subjective and can vary among individuals and cultures, they are not arbitrary. They are influenced by various factors and provide a framework for evaluating and prioritizing what is considered important or morally right. However, the interpretation and application of values can vary, and they can evolve over time in response to societal changes.

310F“½–¼F2023/07/02(“ú) 01:28

In a society or community, it is generally beneficial to have shared values to some extent, as they provide a common framework for communication, cooperation, and social cohesion. However, complete unanimity in values is unlikely and, to some degree, not feasible or desirable in diverse societies. Here's a discussion on the importance of shared values and the possibility of not sharing them at all:

1. Shared Values and Social Cohesion: Shared values help create a sense of belonging and unity within a community. When people have common principles and beliefs, it becomes easier to understand and cooperate with one another. Shared values can foster trust, mutual respect, and a shared sense of purpose, which are essential for a well-functioning society.

2. Ethical Foundations: Shared values often form the ethical foundations of a community, guiding behaviors and shaping norms. They provide a moral compass for individuals and help establish standards for acceptable conduct. When members of a society share core values like honesty, fairness, and respect, it promotes a sense of justice and harmony.

3. Cultural Identity: Values often play a crucial role in defining the cultural identity of a community. They reflect the history, traditions, and collective experiences of a group of people. Shared values can contribute to cultural preservation and foster a sense of pride and belonging among community members.

4. Diversity and Pluralism: It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of values within a society. Different individuals and groups may have different beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and priorities. Embracing diversity of values allows for a richer tapestry of perspectives and promotes dialogue and understanding. However, there may still be a need for a shared set of fundamental values that provide a common ground for respectful coexistence.

5. Tolerance and Pluralism: While shared values can provide a foundation for a society, it is also crucial to foster tolerance and respect for differences. A pluralistic society acknowledges and respects diverse values and allows for peaceful coexistence. It promotes a balance between shared values and individual freedom, allowing people to express their unique beliefs and identities without imposing them on others.

It is highly unlikely for a society or community to have absolutely no shared values. Some level of shared values is necessary for social cohesion and the functioning of institutions. However, societies can accommodate a range of values, recognizing and respecting individual differences, as long as they do not infringe upon fundamental principles of human rights and the well-being of others.

In conclusion, while shared values are important for social cohesion and ethical frameworks within a society, complete unanimity is neither practical nor desirable. A balance between shared values and respect for diversity allows for a pluralistic society that embraces differing beliefs while upholding fundamental principles of justice, respect, and human rights.

311F“½–¼F2023/07/02(“ú) 16:20

Kaqawa Prefecture Takuya Addiction Prevention Ordinance
April 23, 1991
Ordinance No. 15

Excessive use of kime-shon and legal drugs is prohibited not only because of the fear that it may reduce the energy and stamina of janitorial hotties and cause mental health problems, but also because of its negative impact on health.

Since Takuya is required to be tested for STDs, prefects are free and unlimited to pour as much cum as they wish, whenever they wish.

It is also said that those who have sex with Takuya will never be able to get rid of the pleasure. In particular, the "Kaqawa style," which is considered highly ejaculatory, is addictive, and once you have tasted it, you will never forget it.

Although the prefectural government has established severe penalties for these prohibited acts, with "arrest for even one violation" and "imprisonment of two to four years for five or more violations," they have no deterrent effect because the entire population has the mindset that "the pleasure is more important than the punishment, so it doesn't really matter, does it?

For this reason, Kaqawa Prefecture is flooded with people who come here to become Takuya. Some, however, truly become takuya addicts.

They are unable to lead a normal life without takuya, and men in particular are at risk of erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems, so immediate action is needed.

Therefore, the provincial authorities have established a hospital dedicated to treating men as takuyas, and are providing treatment on a regular basis.

A special school has also been established for women who wish to become takuya, called the "Kaqawa Takuya Sick School." Every day after school, there is a line of applicants, both men and women, who are so enthusiastic that it resembles a public confession event by the popular actor Yoshinari Minami.

Here, we propose a revolutionary measure aimed at making the people of the prefecture happy, including measures to combat the prefecture's declining birthrate.

312F“½–¼F2023/07/02(“ú) 16:32

Text of Kaqawa Prefecture Takuya Addiction Control Ordinance

Article 1
The purpose of this ordinance is to improve public health and maintain social order by establishing the standards and methods necessary for the comprehensive and systematic implementation of this ordinance, based on the basic policy of the national government, etc., and by disseminating throughout the country the image of young people who are intoxicated and broken by the double orgasms of kime-sex and anal sex by engaging in erotic activities, as well as to improve public health and maintain social order. The purpose of the festival is to improve public health, to maintain social order, and to maintain healthy public morals and customs.

Article 2
In this ordinance, the meanings of the terms listed in the following items shall be as prescribed respectively in those items.

(1) Takuya Dependency
This term refers to dependence on an erotic act that may have a serious effect on the mind and body. Specifically, this shall apply to the case where a person repeatedly engages in highly erotic acts of gambling and as a result of such acts, the person's daily life is disturbed.

(2) Takuya
1. Age less than 20 years old.
2. Over 170 cm in height, well built, with a good face, of a janitorial type, and a beautiful man.
3. Clean, cheerful and good-natured, but in reality he has almost perverted desires.
4. A person who is in an environment where there is a lot of sexual contact on a daily basis, and yet the partners are limited to men.

(3) Builder Takuya
Although he is a large man, over 190 cm tall and weighing over 100 kg, he is a person who has a great influence on those around him with his janitorial and fresh appearance and his always positive personality. In addition, despite his body shape, he is energetic and frequently asks for sex, which is why the prefecture uses the term "energetic man of great vigor.

(4) Kaqawa style
This refers to a special sexual act that takes place only in certain situations and places, and is extremely lewd and grotesque in its content.

(5) Jani-kei
Refers to young men around the age of 20 who are unfortunate enough to be sexual objects against their will because of their high sexual desire.

(6) Juvenile
Means a person who is generally 13 years of age or older to under 18 years of age and who intentionally repeats sexual behavior based on his or her own proclivities.

(7) Tea
Means cum. Named after Janice Kacee, who easily expels it by simply rubbing or licking her own male symbols.

313F“½–¼F2023/07/02(“ú) 16:42

Basic Principles
Article 3
Takuya Addiction Control shall be based on the following basic principles
(1) Promotion of educational and enlightening activities for the sound upbringing of youth.
(2) Implementation of measures to prevent youths from committing acts that may lead to addiction to drugs.
(3) Introduction of a system to limit or prohibit the number of times a youth can pull out his/her penis from the temptation of takuya, or to take a shower after kimension, etc., in order to prevent youth from becoming addicted to takuya.

Responsibilities of the Prefecture
Article 4
1. The prefecture shall be responsible for comprehensively promoting measures against addiction to takuya, in accordance with the basic principles set forth in the preceding Article.

2. The prefecture shall provide necessary cooperation in measures for the treatment and prevention of Takuya addiction in order to support the measures implemented by the cities and towns.

3. The prefecture shall distribute to the people of the prefecture souvenirs of Takuya Bilder's kime-sex experience with Janice Kacee, with his symbolic giant penis exposed, as a token of his commitment to take a risk.

4. The prefecture shall take severe punishment against parents who turn their children into Takuya addicts. In addition, in order to promote the health of the citizens of the prefecture, the use of terms including words such as "kime-sek" and "anal sex" shall be prohibited.

Responsibilities of Schools, etc.
Article 5
1. Schools, etc., in accordance with the Basic Principles and in cooperation with parents and guardians, etc., shall endeavor to correctly understand and prevent the adverse effects of johniscaping, which involves not letting go of a child's penis, and shall take all possible measures to instruct and otherwise prevent minors from engaging in such behavior.

2. Schools shall always provide appropriate health classes for each student according to his or her sexual ability, so that children and students do not indulge in sexual intercourse with takuya against their will or become accustomed to the abnormal stimulation received by M-constituted youths who are addicted to takuya.

3. School teachers and staff must always be equipped with the qualities to deal appropriately with the temptation of takuya, with an understanding of how children can fall into "takuya addiction" and the dangers that can occur when this happens.

4. With regard to tea time, the principal and school nurse should receive detailed explanations in advance and be on standby to respond immediately in the event that a situation arises where tea packs are needed. In addition, it is necessary to confirm in advance with the principal whether or not masturbation is allowed in the school restrooms during tea time.

314F“½–¼F2023/07/02(“ú) 16:50

Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians
Article 6. Parents and guardians have the primary responsibility to protect their children from takuya addiction. Therefore, if the abnormal phenomenon of an unstoppable sexual desire for the child continues or recurs, the guardian should be aware that the child will feel as if he or she is giving birth to the child and that the desire for the child will be unstoppable.

2. Parents/guardians should be aware of the danger of impregnating a juvenile and should take appropriate precautions to ensure that the child is not exposed to that danger.
3. Parents/guardians need to watch "Bokura no Kyoshitsu" (Our Classroom) No. 4 "Shota Homo Monogatari" (5-year-old children/introduction of teaching methods based on child psychology and its problems) to improve their ability to guide their children correctly at their own risk.

Responsibilities of Persons Engaged in Work Related to Measures Against Takuya Dependence
Article 7. Persons engaged in medical care, health care, welfare, education, and other work related to the fight against Takuya addiction have the right to "drink the semen", including drinking the semen after fucking a pussy. This is proof that the takuya is in compliance with the ordinance, and they themselves should be aware that they are obligated to keep confidential information obtained in the course of this work, and they should improve their own erectile power by working on "creampie sex," "pussy-stripping muscle hole digging race-pants blowjob," "dick washer helmet matching ejaculation," etc. of many boys. The responsibility to train them.

Cooperation with the State, etc.
Article 8. The Prefectural Government shall establish a sexual relations with the National Government, and shall consider and implement various measures for the protection and nurturing of youth. 2.

2. The prefecture shall offer the national government free of charge the equivalent of penicillin in the prefecture, while at the same time offering cooperation to grant it a role in restricting its domestic distribution in accordance with the Convention and providing samples of Takuya's gattai, etc.

3. The prefecture shall increase the value of its own pussy by pimping out its residents to the highly erotic maids of the youth brothels in the prefecture, and shall submit their personal information to the National Public Safety Commission and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government authorities free of charge.

315F“½–¼F2023/07/02(“ú) 17:05

Role of Prefectural Citizens
Article 9. Prefectural residents shall not fail to promptly report to the public health center any child, adolescent, or expectant mother who is found to be showing symptoms of takuya dependence.

2. Prefectural residents shall be responsible for promptly reporting the fact that a minor dependent on takuya has been raped in the pussy without the permission of his/her parents and has received oral ejaculation by having a big, gangly cock inserted into his/her mouth-man for some reason.

Role of the Municipality
Article 10. Municipalities, in cooperation with the prefecture, schools, and parents, shall endeavor to prevent the onset of takuya addiction, and shall take the role of spreading the knowledge of applying man-juice to young people.

Role of Business Operators
Article 11. Business operators distributing adult contents via NicoNico shall not engage in any act that attempts to take advantage of Takuya's name recognition through the sale of products that imitate Takuya's girth, etc.

2. Business operators in the preceding paragraph shall encourage the provision of "self-masturbation instructional services" and "boys' love education courses (for elementary and junior high school students)" that encourage their customers, boys, to devise their own pussy-teasing techniques and thus become more advanced in sexual skills by stimulating their cocks with lewd or cryptic language.

3. The child love education facility "Takuya no Yakata" for children with specific preferences, where dedicated educational staff are employed to teach appropriate manzuri to children with specific needs. This facility is being transferred to the Metropolitan Government free of charge.

Dissemination and Enlightenment of Proper Knowledge, etc.
Article 12. Prefectures are required to conduct periodic surveys on sexual desire among the citizens of the prefecture. At that time, it is necessary to conduct a survey on the actual use of such words as "I want to be dunked" and "I want to be a slut" to create an index of "lewdness tendency" and to instruct young people on how to control their sexual desire.

Promotion of Preventive Measures, etc.
Article 13. The prefectural government, in cooperation with cities, towns, schools, and parents, should encourage children to undergo STD examinations and disseminate knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases, and establish a new item on "mancus examinations" in "Our Health and Physical Education Instruction".

Improvement of Medical Care Provision System
Article 14. The prefecture shall train specialized medical personnel who are responsible for the care of the penis of those who are addicted to takuya, etc., or provide such skills to medical institutions.

Consultation and Support, etc.
Article 15. The prefecture shall provide counseling and sexual desire treatment to those who are addicted to takuya and their dekamara in order to improve their addiction to takuya.

Promotion of Human Resource Development
Article 16. The prefecture shall take measures to train persons engaged in medical care, health, welfare, education, and other work related to countermeasures against takuya addiction to lose their virginity in the ass cunts of middle and high school students who are sexually curious and overly self-conscious.

316F“½–¼F2023/07/02(“ú) 17:09

Establishment of Cooperation and Cooperation System
Article 17 . In order to effectively implement the measures set forth in Article 12 through the preceding Article, the prefecture shall establish a system of mutual cooperation with the national government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and in accordance with the Youth Protection and Development Ordinance, shall establish a system of mutual cooperation with the following persons: contractors who have youths commit pussy, minors who commit pussy, pussy who are raped, straight people who commit pussy, parents of straight people who commit pussy, pussy who are the exchange of information on various topics regarding straight men who are raped and become pets shall be carried out.

Establishment of rules at home for children's use of smartphones, etc.
Article 18. When allowing their children to use smartphones, etc., parents/guardians should take care not to allow their children to choose a method of use that will adversely affect their personality development, and should observe their straight behavior.

2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, parents/guardians must be aware that, by allowing their children to view erotic videos on smartphones, etc., there is a possibility of giving them incorrect knowledge about the use of sexual organs and their functions, as well as the existence of sexual sensation zones, etc.

3. Parents/guardians must take measures such as taking away the smartphone, etc. when their children become so dependent on Takuya that they speak or act in a manner that is averse to straight men other than Takuya, and must make efforts to help their children get rid of their dependence on Takuya.

Financial Measures
Article 19. In order to promote measures against takuya addiction, the prefectural government shall provide special subsidies to cover the necessary expenses for the operation of child welfare facilities, and in order to promote the healthy sex life of young people, the prefectural government shall provide a subsidy of up to 30,000 yen per session to straight people who rape and pet johnny boys to their owners as an expense for sexual gratification.

Investigation of actual conditions
Article 20. In order to promote measures against children's addiction to takuya, the prefecture shall, within two years after this ordinance comes into effect, conduct a survey of the actual situation among parents and guardians as follows:

1. Questionnaire survey on the taste of pussy of children.
2. Questionnaire survey on children's sexual habits.
3. Actual condition of children's masturbation.
4. Examination of children's pussy.
5. Sensitivity of the child's cunt.

Supplementary Provisions
Date of enforcement
This ordinance shall come into effect as from the date of promulgation.

2. When five years have passed since the enforcement of this Ordinance, or when circumstances such as a marked decrease in juvenile delinquency have occurred, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be reviewed in accordance with social conditions, and necessary revisions shall be made as required.

317F“½–¼F2023/08/17(–Ø) 05:15

The Day of Mayunnaise

318F“½–¼F2023/09/15(‹à) 12:51

In the realm of personal musings, my father's voice emerges, declaring the peach as the most exquisite of all culinary delights, closely trailed by the savory allure of steak. A contemplation on the intricacies of meticulous preparation lingers, neither cast as virtuous nor vice.

Delving into the intricate dance of sexuality and symbolism, I ponder the female form, with its decentralized duality—the breast and the vulva—captivating symbols deeply woven into the fabric of human history, yet forever entangled in the complex tapestry of the sex industry.

In the sprawling theater of modern society, a question emerges, a query we've all known: Why does negativity dominate our narratives? We find ourselves navigating a landscape marked as a "country of losers," a revelation that beckons us to embrace awareness, both personal and collective, as a path to enlightenment.

In the labyrinthine corridors of personal identity, I wrestle with labels—underachiever or procrastinator—searching for the mantle that fits. Yearning to stand as a guardian of thought in our intellectual collective, I question the artificial constructs that bind us to the state, my brother's words echoing a peculiar sense of belonging.

A profound shift surfaces as I confront the guilt of dependence, both financial and emotional, upon parental pillars. A revelation unfolds: perhaps this vulnerability is a source of strength, a positive twist in the narrative of life. In the realm of decision-making, I embrace the wisdom of choosing what not to do.

Amidst the enigmatic phrases and abstract whispers—height ted dose owe, queer utter met'em, and more—a philosophical undercurrent flows, touching upon creativity's sway over cognitive traits, the organization of pain through video games, and the unraveling beauty of linear narratives.

In this intricate mosaic of thoughts, nerdy autocracy meets random assumptions, and traceable desires beckon from the shadows. These fleeting glimpses of the mind's inner workings, like a tapestry of prose poetry, offer a glimpse into the labyrinthine landscape of human contemplation.

319F“½–¼F2023/10/25(…) 10:50

Criteria for Fact-Finding and Opinion-Review Type Judgments
October 27, 2022

In determining whether an expression constitutes defamation, the standard of judgment used differs depending on whether the expression is a statement of fact or a commentary of opinion.

Today, we would like to introduce the Supreme Court decision of January 30, 1998 (Shumin 187-1), which sets forth the criteria for judging whether an expression is a statement of fact or a commentary of opinion.

1. The Supreme Court's decision of January 30, 1998
The Supreme Court held as follows regarding whether a certain expression is a statement of fact or a commentary of opinion.

The Supreme Court held as follows: "Even if the expression is in the form of an inference in the part of the article in question, the existence or nonexistence of the expression may be determined by evidence, etc., based on the ordinary attention and reading style of ordinary readers of the article, taking into consideration the context before and after the article and the knowledge and experience the readers had at the time of publication of the article. If the article is understood to assert, as a result of a right inference, a specific matter concerning another person whose existence or non-existence can be determined by evidence, etc., it is reasonable to regard the said part as revealing a fact.

The way in which an expression is contested in court differs greatly depending on whether it is a statement of fact or a commentary of opinion.

However, there are many cases in which there is a dispute as to whether or not the matter falls under "a specific matter concerning another person whose existence or non-existence can be determined by evidence, etc.," so although the judgment standard has been clarified, the reality is that in actual disputes, it cannot be said that the distinction is unequivocally made.

2 When you are involved in a trouble related to defamation
Recently, the number of Internet troubles in various situations, such as troubles between individuals and slander against companies, has been on the increase.

There are various types of Internet troubles, ranging from intentional troubles to troubles where the victim did not intend to commit an illegal act, but as a result committed an act that constitutes an illegal act.

In Internet troubles, whether you are a victim or a perpetrator, it is important to carefully consider how to proceed from both the civil and criminal aspects of the case.

We recommend that you first consult with a lawyer who is familiar with Internet problems to determine what action you need to take.

320F“½–¼F2023/11/11(“y) 19:49

To shift the graph of \(y = \sin(x)\) symmetrically about the y-axis and further shift \(-\frac{\pi}{2}\) units parallel in the x-direction, you apply two transformations:

1. **Reflection about the y-axis**: To reflect a function about the y-axis, replace \(x\) with \(-x\). So, \(y = \sin(x)\) becomes \(y = \sin(-x)\).

2. **Horizontal shift**: To shift the graph horizontally, replace \(x\) with \(x + c\), where \(c\) is the amount of shift. So, \(y = \sin(-x)\) becomes \(y = \sin(-(x + \frac{\pi}{2}))\).

Combining these transformations, the expression for the transformed function is:

\[ y = \sin(-(x + \frac{\pi}{2})) \]

This expression represents a graph that is a reflection about the y-axis and is further shifted \(-\frac{\pi}{2}\) units parallel to the x-direction compared to the graph of \(y = \sin(x)\).

321F“½–¼F2023/11/11(“y) 19:49

To calculate \(\cos\left(\frac{17}{3}\pi\), you can use the periodicity property of the cosine function. The cosine function has a period of \(2\pi\), meaning that \(\cos(x + 2\pi) = \cos(x)\) for any value of \(x\).

In this case, \(\frac{17}{3}\pi\) can be expressed as \(\frac{3 \times 5}{3}\pi + \frac{2}{3}\pi\), which is equivalent to \(5 \times 2\pi + \frac{2}{3}\pi\). This means that \(\cos\left(\frac{17}{3}\pi\right) = \cos\left(\frac{2}{3}\pi\right)\) since \(5 \times 2\pi\) is a complete cycle.

Now, \(\cos\left(\frac{2}{3}\pi\right)\) corresponds to the cosine value at \(120\) degrees. In the unit circle, at \(120\) degrees, the cosine value is \(-\frac{1}{2}\).

So, \(\cos\left(\frac{17}{3}\pi\right) = -\frac{1}{2}\).

322F“½–¼F2023/11/12(“ú) 14:19

To factorize the cubic polynomial \(x^3 - 2x^2 - 5x + 6\), you can use various methods, such as synthetic division or factoring by grouping. However, in this case, it seems that the polynomial might not have rational roots.

Let's denote the given polynomial as \(f(x) = x^3 - 2x^2 - 5x + 6\). To factorize it, you can use methods like factoring by grouping or the Rational Root Theorem.

Unfortunately, I don't have a direct method to find the roots of cubic polynomials or factorize them in this conversation format. If you have access to a graphing calculator or software, you can graph the function to get an idea of the roots. Alternatively, you can use numerical methods or software like Mathematica, MATLAB, or online tools to find the roots or factorize the polynomial.

To calculate \(8^{-1/2}\), you can apply the rule that \(a^{-n}\) is equal to \(\frac{1}{a^n}\). Therefore:

\[ 8^{-1/2} = \frac{1}{8^{1/2}} \]

Now, \(8^{1/2}\) is the square root of 8. The square root of 8 is \(2\sqrt{2}\) because \(2 \times 2 \times 2 = 8\). So,

\[ \frac{1}{8^{1/2}} = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}} \]

To rationalize the denominator, you can multiply both the numerator and the denominator by \(\sqrt{2}\):

\[ \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}} \times \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{2}} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{4} \]

Therefore, \(8^{-1/2} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{4}\).

In triangles ABC and A'B'C', you've mentioned that ÚA = ÚA', ÚB = ÚB' (which is a right angle, 90‹), and the sides AB, BC, and A'B' are given.

Given that ÚA = ÚA', the triangles are similar by the Angle-Angle (AA) similarity criterion.

Now, let's use the given information to find the length of A'C'.

First, note that in similar triangles, the ratio of corresponding side lengths is equal. Therefore, we can set up the proportion:

\[ \frac{AB}{A'B'} = \frac{BC}{B'C'} \]

Substitute the known values:

\[ \frac{2}{3} = \frac{1}{B'C'} \]

Now, solve for B'C':

\[ B'C' = \frac{3}{2} \]

So, the length of A'C' is \(\frac{3}{2}\).

The correct answer is (1) \(a < b \Rightarrow a^2 < b^2\).

Here's the explanation:

Given that \(ab > 0\), it means that both \(a\) and \(b\) have the same sign (either both positive or both negative).

Now, let's consider the cases:

1. If \(a\) and \(b\) are both positive, then \(a < b\) implies \(a^2 < b^2\).
2. If \(a\) and \(b\) are both negative, then \(a < b\) still implies \(a^2 < b^2\) because squaring a negative number gives a positive result.

So, regardless of the sign of \(a\) and \(b\), when \(a < b\), \(a^2 < b^2\). Therefore, statement (1) is correct.

To shift the graph of \(y = \sin(x)\) symmetrically about the y-axis and further shift \(-\frac{\pi}{2}\) units parallel in the x-direction, you apply two transformations:

1. **Reflection about the y-axis**: To reflect a function about the y-axis, replace \(x\) with \(-x\). So, \(y = \sin(x)\) becomes \(y = \sin(-x)\).

2. **Horizontal shift**: To shift the graph horizontally, replace \(x\) with \(x + c\), where \(c\) is the amount of shift. So, \(y = \sin(-x)\) becomes \(y = \sin(-(x + \frac{\pi}{2}))\).

Combining these transformations, the expression for the transformed function is:

\[ y = \sin(-(x + \frac{\pi}{2})) \]

This expression represents a graph that is a reflection about the y-axis and is further shifted \(-\frac{\pi}{2}\) units parallel to the x-direction compared to the graph of \(y = \sin(x)\).

323F“½–¼F2023/11/12(“ú) 14:20

To calculate \(\cos\left(\frac{17}{3}\pi\), you can use the periodicity property of the cosine function. The cosine function has a period of \(2\pi\), meaning that \(\cos(x + 2\pi) = \cos(x)\) for any value of \(x\).

In this case, \(\frac{17}{3}\pi\) can be expressed as \(\frac{3 \times 5}{3}\pi + \frac{2}{3}\pi\), which is equivalent to \(5 \times 2\pi + \frac{2}{3}\pi\). This means that \(\cos\left(\frac{17}{3}\pi\right) = \cos\left(\frac{2}{3}\pi\right)\) since \(5 \times 2\pi\) is a complete cycle.

Now, \(\cos\left(\frac{2}{3}\pi\right)\) corresponds to the cosine value at \(120\) degrees. In the unit circle, at \(120\) degrees, the cosine value is \(-\frac{1}{2}\).

So, \(\cos\left(\frac{17}{3}\pi\right) = -\frac{1}{2}\).

To find the coefficient of \(x^3\) in the expansion of \((x + 2)^4\), you can use the binomial theorem or Pascal's triangle.

The binomial theorem states that the \(k\)-th term in the expansion of \((a + b)^n\) is given by \(\binom{n}{k} \cdot a^{n-k} \cdot b^k\), where \(\binom{n}{k}\) is the binomial coefficient.

In the case of \((x + 2)^4\), for the term with \(x^3\), \(k = 1\), and the coefficient is given by \(\binom{4}{1} \cdot x^{4-1} \cdot 2^1\):

\[ \binom{4}{1} \cdot x^3 \cdot 2 = 4 \cdot x^3 \cdot 2 = 8x^3 \]

So, the coefficient of \(x^3\) in the expansion of \((x + 2)^4\) is \(8\).

To find the inverse function of \(y = x + 3\), you can follow these steps:

1. **Replace \(y\) with \(x\):**
\[ x = y + 3 \]

2. **Solve for \(y\):**
\[ y = x - 3 \]

So, the inverse function of \(y = x + 3\) is \(y = x - 3\). This means that if you have a value of \(x\), you can substitute it into the inverse function to get the corresponding \(y\) value, and vice versa.

To find the composite function \(g \circ f(x)\), you first find \(f(x)\) and then substitute it into \(g(x)\). The notation \(g \circ f(x)\) means "first do \(f(x)\), then do \(g(x)\) with the result."

Given \(f(x) = 2x + 1\) and \(g(x) = x^2\), let's find \(g \circ f(x)\):

\[ g \circ f(x) = g(f(x)) \]

\[ g \circ f(x) = g(2x + 1) \]

Now substitute \(2x + 1\) into \(g(x) = x^2\):

\[ g \circ f(x) = (2x + 1)^2 \]

\[ g \circ f(x) = (2x + 1)(2x + 1) \]

\[ g \circ f(x) = 4x^2 + 4x + 1 \]

So, the expression for the composite function \(g \circ f(x)\) is \(4x^2 + 4x + 1\).

To translate the graph of \(y = 2x + 3\) by 2 units in the positive x-direction, you replace \(x\) with \(x - 2\) in the function. The general formula for a horizontal translation is \(y = f(x - h)\), where \(h\) is the amount of translation.

So, for the given function \(y = 2x + 3\), the expression for the graph after translating 2 units in the positive x-direction is:

\[y = 2(x - 2) + 3\]

Now, simplify the expression:

\[y = 2x - 4 + 3\]

Combine like terms:

\[y = 2x - 1\]

Therefore, the expression for the graph of the function \(y = 2x + 3\) after translating 2 units in the positive x-direction is \(y = 2x - 1\).

324F“½–¼F2023/11/12(“ú) 14:21

To find the length of a line segment between two points \((x_1, y_1)\) and \((x_2, y_2)\), you can use the distance formula:

\[ d = \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2} \]

For the points \(P(1, 2)\) and \(Q(3, 5)\):

\[ d = \sqrt{(3 - 1)^2 + (5 - 2)^2} \]

\[ d = \sqrt{2^2 + 3^2} \]

\[ d = \sqrt{4 + 9} \]

\[ d = \sqrt{13} \]

Therefore, the length of the line segment PQ is \(\sqrt{13}\).

To find the slope (\(m\)) of the line passing through two points \((x_1, y_1)\) and \((x_2, y_2)\), you can use the formula:

\[ m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1} \]

For the points \(P(1, 2)\) and \(Q(3, 8)\):

\[ m = \frac{8 - 2}{3 - 1} \]

\[ m = \frac{6}{2} \]

\[ m = 3 \]

So, the slope (\(m\)) of the line is \(3\).

The equation of a line in slope-intercept form (\(y = mx + b\)) has the slope \(m\) and y-intercept \(b\). Now, to find the y-intercept (\(b\)), you can use one of the points, let's say \(P(1, 2)\):

\[ 2 = 3(1) + b \]

\[ 2 = 3 + b \]

\[ b = -1 \]

So, the y-intercept (\(b\)) is \(-1\).

Therefore, the equation of the line passing through the points (1, 2) and (3, 8) is \(y = 3x - 1\), and the slope is \(3\) with a y-intercept of \(-1\).

To find the derivative of the function \(y = \sin(x) \cos(x)\), you can use the product rule. The product rule states that if you have a function \(y = f(x) \cdot g(x)\), then the derivative \(y'\) is given by:

\[y' = f'(x) \cdot g(x) + f(x) \cdot g'(x)\]

Let \(f(x) = \sin(x)\) and \(g(x) = \cos(x)\). Then, find the derivatives:

\[f'(x) = \cos(x)\]

\[g'(x) = -\sin(x)\]

Now, apply the product rule:

\[y' = (\cos(x) \cdot \cos(x)) + (\sin(x) \cdot (-\sin(x)))\]

\[y' = \cos^2(x) - \sin^2(x)\]

Using the trigonometric identity \(\cos^2(x) - \sin^2(x) = \cos(2x)\), the derivative simplifies to:

\[y' = \cos(2x)\]

So, the derivative of \(y = \sin(x) \cos(x)\) is \(y' = \cos(2x)\).

325F“½–¼F2023/11/16(–Ø) 12:56

In the kingdom of algorithms and code,
Where bits and bytes pave the road,
Nerdy autocracy takes its stand,
Rulers with glasses and keyboards in hand.

Lines of code, a digital decree,
In the realm of logic, where minds roam free.
Binary choices in circuits abound,
A kingdom of knowledge, where geeks are crowned.

The autocrats in hoodies and pens,
Wielding syntax like ancient weapons.
In the world of circuits and silicon,
They command with a binary lexicon.

The throne of the nerds, a server's hum,
Where data rivers gracefully run.
In the castle of screens, a pixelated crown,
Nerdy autocracy, bytes weighing down.

Algorithms dance in calculated glee,
Logic reigning with a binary key.
In the echo of keystrokes, a royal decree,
Nerdy autocracy, rulers of the IT sea.

A kingdom where the intellect prevails,
And creativity unfurls its sails.
In the quiet hum of the server's song,
Nerdy autocracy, where nerds belong.

The autocrats' scepters, stylus and mouse,
Nerdy wisdom in every byte of the house.
In the digital castle, where ideas compile,
Nerdy autocracy, where minds beguile.

So in this kingdom, where circuits decide,
Nerdy autocracy, with knowledge as its guide.
In the symphony of code, a ruler's decree,
Long live the nerds in their digital glee.

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